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Farm Tracks

Farm Tracks

Farm track repair & restoration

Using the latest recycling technologies, our teams are able to recycle the material that’s removed from roads and construction projects to provide farm track restoration and construction services that are made with 100% recycled material.

Unlike other farm track types, this recycled product means no mineral aggregate needs to be quarried and no crude oil needs to be extracted to produce hard-wearing, durable surface for your farm track.

The product is made using the same materials cement bound granular mixtures (CBGM) we use in road surfacing for all but the very top surface layer of a road. This means you can have a hard-wearing, well-gripping surface which is completely recycled.

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Farm track restoration

As a company based in the agricultural county of Lincolnshire, we’ve worked with a wide range of agricultural clients and our 100% recycled farm tracks are thoroughly tried, tested and suitable for purpose. We know how to make a road that can stand the test of time and endure the stresses and strains of heavy machinery.

Once we’ve planed the farm track and laid our recycled material, all that’s needed is a surface dressing in the spring to make your new track last for years.

Good farm tracks can save valuable time, prevent delays, accidents and spillages. Farmers will know that in rainy weather – particularly in the winter- most farm tracks become impassable to all but the most tenacious tractor drivers.

Many farmers try to prevent this by getting compressed gravel paths laid, but these tracks quickly deteriorate and they require large volumes of expensive and unsustainable material which has to be quarried.

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Testimonials from our clients

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For all your enquiries, quotes and questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

01522 880 991